Add New Post – Hmmm….

Picture of hands typing on keyboard“Add New Post” can be an intimidating prompt to see at the top of a blank editing panel in your blogging software. You can scour the web for helpful hints and tidbits on how to get past that invitation to build your platform. You can read books, listen to podcasts, talk, yes, actually verbally communicate with other human beings, to get insights and motivation.

Me, I decided my energies were best served with a book I recently came across: Michael Hyatt’s Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World (affiliate link). Mind you, this wasn’t my first go-round on looking for inspiration. I did try all those other sources, and came across some wonderful nuggets. Btw, I’ll use that term, “nuggets”, a lot on this blog. It’s how I refer to things that I pick up when I’m in a learning environment, which can happen almost anywhere. But I digress. Michael’s book stuck with me, and I can’t even remember who to thank for bringing it to my attention. First I borrowed it from my local library, and then decided to purchase it so I could mark it up. Although written in 2012, eons ago by today’s social media standards, it did provide me with a relevant “step-by-step guide for anyone with something to say or sell” as advertised. You’ll see references to it throughout my site and you will notice me taking full advantage of Mr. Hyatt’s invitation to use his ideas.

I do have something to say, which I will do on these pages, and something to sell, which I will do on the other pages of the site. Here, I’ll offer my thoughts on WordPress, web site administration, the strength of procedural repetition, interesting things I come across – some scary and some funny (at least to me), small businesses and virtual workplaces. It seems like a big list, but I want to make sure I’m not misleading anyone by going off on an unexpected tangent. I’ll probably even throw in something coffee ‘n cap related at times, since those two topics are top of mind for me almost all the time (pun intended).

Come back and visit from time to time. I’m planning to post some tidbits here once a week. See if you can pick up some nuggets. Subscribe to this blog, or maybe even to our mailing list. Let me know what you think. After all, if I’m going to have a blog, it’s only as good as the folks who visit it, and read it, and share their thoughts on it.

And we’re off.

All the best to you,

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