Why Choose Fathom Analytics Over Google Analytics: A Privacy-Focused Solution

Why Choose Fathom Analytics Over Google Analytics: A Privacy-Focused Solution

In today’s digital landscape, data privacy is a growing concern for both website visitors and owners. With an increasing focus on protecting user data, many website owners are searching for analytics alternatives that not only respect privacy but also provide meaningful insights into their website’s performance. Fathom Analytics emerges as a compelling choice that addresses…

Block Editor Patterns: What and How from PACS
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Block Editor Patterns: What and How from PACS

Pattern Page Hero image from wordpress.org This Month’s WordPress SIG Topics Topics from the Trenches segment. What’s new in WordPress since we last met. Discussion and live demo on building a page using Patterns. Topics from the Trenches Anyone, anyone? Yes, in the back! Oops. Nope – just stretching. Maybe next time. What’s new with…


Why You Need a Cookie Consent Policy on Your Website

A cookie consent policy is a document that explains to website visitors how your website uses cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on a user’s computer when they visit a website. They can be used to track a user’s browsing activity, remember their preferences, and improve the user experience. There are two main…