An Excellent Week

8580943924_09004d53b7_kThis week was excellent! My business, Cap Web Solutions, launched two new sites this week, actually three, if you count the announcement of the completely re-worked service as a service business model on

First we went live with a website for the local Episcopal church in Downingtown, PA. Check it out: We are really proud of this site and the initial response from the congregation was overwhelmingly positive. How cool is that?! When I think back to what the site looked like a month ago, I can feel really good about the end result. I worked with a great team at the church, headed by Rich Carango.

Then I went live with the new website. It’s a combination of the Exploring New Opportunities blog from and the blog from The more I thought about it, the more realistic it felt to bring the two together. After all, Cap Web Solutions IS my new opportunity. I’m exploring it to it’s fullest. Sometimes, I look at it as my third child. It was born. It lives. It has it’s ups and downs. It has to be fed constantly and occasionally changed. And it needs lots of attention. I’m have to put so much effort into it, but it’s still too early to get the benefits. Let me clarify that – too early for the financial benefits. I’m getting one of the most important benefits I can imagine – strength, confidence, and an opening of my eyes to my abilities.

Will this change as it matures? I’m sure it will. Doesn’t everything?

Spring is right around the corner. The snow is (almost) gone from my yard. I mentioned last night in my men’s bible study group that I can almost hear the crocuses trying to push up through the muck that is my front yard. Almost, but I know they are there, just waiting until the right time to pop up, open their petals and bring me joy.

Now that’s an opportunity to look forward to – joy!

Image credit:
APRIL 2013 CPM Art… by COLORED PENCIL magazine

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  1. Congratulations Matt on your amazing week. I love the St. James website and I checked out MattRy and CapWebSolutions blog. Very impressive.

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