Cap Web Solutions launched today.

Cap Web Solutions launched today.

Today is the day. It is done. Off and running. Let’s rock and roll. Insert any other cliche indicating the start is occurring. I’m excited. Tired. Enthused. Nervous. Pumped. You name it. I’m on that proverbial emotional roller coaster today. Queue the smattering of applause in the background.  Earlier today I launched my business publicly on…

W-Shaped Soft Pretzel

It was a most awesome event.

I attended my first WordCamp this weekend. WordCamp Philly 2014.  Not like any industry convention I had ever attended. There was so much support, recommendation, sharing, and help. Not any of the dog-eat-dog, uber-competitive business environment I am used to. I’m not sure yet if this is related to the open-source aspect of WordPress, or if…