I Found Some Peace
It’s December. It’s Christmas-time. It’s crazy-time. It’s year-end. It’s “i-need-this-today” time.
I get that. I surprised myself. I found peace and comfort within the last 12 hours.
My wife and I made cookies last night. First time in I can’t remember how long that we did that. Have we ever in our 25+ years of marriage? Don’t know. But we did last night. Four, count ’em, 4 different kinds. Just her and I, in the kitchen, for a couple of hours.
Man, it was cool.
And the result? Lots of goodies to try. Sure, some of them didn’t come out quite right. What do expect when you put the two of us in the kitchen together to do one of HER favorite things? I posted a pic of the goodies to our family Google+ hangout. (Believe me, that’s the only way two empty-nesters can stay in touch with two adult sons anymore.)
Their responses to the pic were priceless.
Son #1:
Ok now I’m jealous.
Son #2:
Oh boy…I might have to stop by in the mornin”.
I chuckled to myself this morning while I was sitting at the kitchen counter eating my breakfast and I heard a key in the back door. Son #2 “stopped by to say ‘hi'”. He grabbed some cookies. We had a few minutes of quality conversation and he was off.
I had turned on the lights of the Christmas tree to show Son #2 how good a job his mother had done on the tree this past weekend. After he left, I sat and stared at the tree for a bit. It was simple. One of the simplest ones we have had in a long, long time. Memories of my wife’s mother covered the tree. Good memories.
Man, what a calm feeling.
As I walked to my office this morning (not much effort, only about 75 feet down the driveway), I thought to myself that I had really experienced some wonderful feelings of peace over the past 12 hours.
Not a bad start for December 16.